Work Packages

TransEuroWorkS’s inter-related work package design between partners and tasks will ensure an organic and collaborative dialogue between the different disciplines in the design and analysis of the research. TransEuroWorkS also proposes a multi-methods approach where research results generated and analysed will be through various methods and speak to each other. Hence, research in WPs will employ both qualitative and quantitative methods.

WP1 – Management, Coordination, Theoretical and Empirical Framework

Leader: LU

The goal is to provide scientific leadership and theoretical consistency throughout the project.

WP2 –
Green Transition, Technological Change, and Welfare Recalibration

Leader: CEPS

The goal is to take stock of the green transition debate and investigate the interplay with

WP3 –
Transformations, Inclusive Labour Markets, and Well-being

Leader: UK

The goal is to generate knowledge on how flexibilization, induced by digitalization, shapes work patterns.

WP4 –
Transformation Vulnerabilities, Gender Equality, and Families

Leader: UCD

The goal is to map existing work-life balance (WLB) policies influencing gender roles in Europe.

WP5 –
New Forms of Work and Social Dialogue

Leader: UC

The goal is to improve our understanding of the rise of contractual flexibility in the European labour markets related to digitalization, the green transition, and globalisation. 

WP6 –
Labour Markets, New Forms of Work, and Politics of Social Protection

Leader: UG

The goal is to assess the capacity of social protection programs to include atypical workers and new forms of work.

WP7 –
New Social Policy Directions: Experimental Evidence on Social and Labour Market Outcomes

Leader: UB

The goal is to implement a field experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of reskilling

WP8 –
Future of EU-level Social Policy Coordination

Leader: LU

The goal is to fill the knowledge gaps on the inequalities of social protection in the changing
landscape of EU labour markets through the lenses of sustainability, inclusivity, and mobility.

WP9 –
Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication

Leader: ZAB

The goal is to disseminate and communicate activities oriented to show the attractiveness of the
results achieved and their impact on a target audience composed of key stakeholders already identified.

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